Many process plants such as Starch, Pharmaceutical, Distillery, Sugar & Chemical plants produce Effluents/ wastewaters containing higher Volatile Organic compounds.
These are also present in the condensate produced in Effluent Evaporators of ZLD set-up.
These organic compounds normally contain traces of solvents, Volatile Acids/ higher molecular weight organics, which gives rise to acidic pH & recalcitrant COD.
Invariably, there are fluctuations in contaminants in Pharma & Distillery and hence such streams are cumbersome to treat very effectively in conventional biological plants.
Such streams are treated with our most advanced technologies as below:​
ADAXY Advanced Oxidation | with combination of UV, Oxidants, Ozone & Sonic

Electro-Catalytic Oxidation | A unique oxidation without any chemicals

​Adaxy-Therm Columns | Stripping by combination of hot air & steam